“It Goes Straight to Your Subconscious Mind” – “I AM” Affirmations For Success, Wealth & Happiness
Listen to this before you start your day and before you go to bed! ►►►SELF-HYPNOSIS PROGRAMS: http://bit.ly/2RGCade Special Thanks to Dare To Do Motivation https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5VP2Yr-U7PHyDKHQQfkH9w ►OUR CLOTHING BRAND! http://onlydreamersallowed.com Have a Look! ►If you struggle and have a hard time,…
Power Gear – Power Gi – Magical Clothes Subliminal Affirmations
Thank you for this request. The affirmations in this subliminal session are to attract powerful clothing and gi with enhancing physical abilities. Also to attract Goku’s Gi and weighted clothes that can provide a workout by wearing them. How you…