How to Set Goals for 2022 and Achieve Your Dreams | Jim Rohn Motivational Video
In this Motivational video, Jim Rohn talks about goal setting and a 10-step process of setting goals and achieving all your dreams. If you wish to design your life, then you must learn how to set goals. Without any goals…

How to Master the Art of Happiness | Jim Rohn Motivational Video
In this Motivational Speech, Jim Rohn talks about lifestyle and how to design a happy life. A happy life does not happen by accident, a happy life must be designed. You have to make conscious effort to be happy and…

How to Turn Nothing into Something | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech
In this video Jim Rohn shares 4 steps to turn nothing into something: 1. You start with ideas and imaginations, ideas that become so powerful that they seem real to you even before they become tangible 2. Believe that what…

How to Set Goals for 2021 | Effective Goal Setting for 2021 in 10 Steps – Jim Rohn Motivation
In this Motivational Speech, Jim Rohn talks about the importance of Goal Setting and the best way to set your goals. Most of us set New Year Resolutions for but very few get to accomplish them. This is because we…

Take Charge of Your Life & Future | Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn talks about the incredible ability that humans have, which is to design our future destination. In 5 years from now we all will arrive, the question is where? We will either arrive at a designed destination or an…

LIVE YOUR DREAMS – Jim Rohn Motivational Speech
Majority of the people are unhappy with their life, because they do what the society tells them to do, not what they actually want to do. One of the major cause of unhappiness at old age is realizing that you…

How to Plan your Day | Jim Rohn Motivation
Those who fail to plan are planning to fail. In order to have your best day ever, your best week ever, you need to plan your days and your weeks. During well planned days your productivity increases massively. The ideal…

Live a Designed Life by Setting Goals | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech
We all have a choice. We can either live a life a mediocrity or a life of greatness, by designing our life. To design your life, you need to set goals. Well defined goals are like magnets and they pull…