Tag: keep studying

Education first then Motivation | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech
It is the investment in knowledge which pays the best interest. However as Jim Rohn says knowledge accumulated in itself yields no results, you have to let your learning lead t o action. Moreover, education is better than motivation, as…

BELIEVE In Yourself! – Powerful Study Motivation
In my newest video on my second channel, I talk about how I was able to finally destroy my self-limiting beliefs – and as soon as I did that, my grades skyrocketed! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2O3NBQsUNk ___ The ProjectElon…

Keep Going! Keep Studying! Push Past The PAIN!
Subscribe for more STUDY MOTIVATION: https://goo.gl/KiZt7G Activate the bell (next to the subscribe button) to receive notifications. Check out my newest video: https://goo.gl/9yhaJX ___ “I do everything I can to make sure my brain is functioning at its optimum. I…