How to Plan your Day | Jim Rohn Motivation

How to Plan your Day | Jim Rohn Motivation

Those who fail to plan are planning to fail. In order to have your best day ever, your best week ever, you need to plan your days and your weeks. During well planned days your productivity increases massively. The ideal…

How To Manage Time | 15 Time Management Tips - Jim Rohn

How To Manage Time | 15 Time Management Tips – Jim Rohn

We all have 24 hours in a day. Who among us will be successful depends entirely on how well we utilize the time we have at our disposal. All rich people have a common attribute, they know how to manage…

Major Reason for Not Having Everything You Want | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech

Major Reason for Not Having Everything You Want | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech

Jim Rohn gave the accurate most definition of failure. He quoted definition of failure as: “A few errors in Judgement repeated everyday”. What he meant was, failure is a result of the small daily choices which are made as wrong.…

Standard Education Will Give You Standard Results | Jim Rohn

Standard Education Will Give You Standard Results | Jim Rohn

If you keep on doing what everybody else is doing, you will keep on getting what everybody else is getting. If you want to be rich and successful you have to act different than the majority. Once a person asked…

4 IFs That Make Life Worthwhile : Jim Rohn Speech

4 IFs That Make Life Worthwhile : Jim Rohn Speech

Harry Truman once said, “Life is ify”. This means, if you need to accomplish your goals or live the kind of life you always dreamed of, you need to act in certain way. You can become more valuable and earn…

Jim Rohn shares the secret to Earning more money | Must Watch for Entrepreneurs

Jim Rohn shares the secret to Earning more money | Must Watch for Entrepreneurs

We are primarily paid for bringing value to the market place. It takes time to bring the value, but we are not paid for the time, we are paid for the value. So, it is possible to become more valuable…

Get Serious, Life is Serious | Jim Rohn Motivation (Without Music)

Get Serious, Life is Serious | Jim Rohn Motivation (Without Music)

We all stumble upon challenges and tough times. Disappointments are not special gifts reserved for the poor. Everyone has his share. Mr Earl Shoaff, mentor to Jim Rohn, said to him: It’s not what happens that determines the Quality of…

How to be Disciplined in Life? | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech

How to be Disciplined in Life? | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech

In this Motivational Speech, Jim Rohn talks about discipline and the importance of discipline. If there is one word that can explain why some people are successful and some people live a mediocre life, this is the magic word: Discipline.…

How to Avoid Failure and Attract Success | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech

How to Avoid Failure and Attract Success | Jim Rohn Motivational Speech

In this Motivational Speech, Jim Rohn talks about Formula of Failure and Secret to Success. Failure is not a cataclysmic event. Failure is the result of failing to act today, failing to think today, failing to establish the disciplines today.…

How to effectively manage your Time by Jim Rohn

How to effectively manage your Time by Jim Rohn

One of the most important quality that separates successful people from the average is their ability to manage the time effectively. Time management is a skill and it can be learned if you practice the basics taught in this video…