Personal Development Through Positive Self-Motivation – Jim Rohn Motivation
You need motivation to go after your dreams in an increasingly negative world. Motivation and positive thinking is better than negative thinking; however, it will do nothing for you if you don’t change and develop the necessary disciplines. Jim Rohn…

5 Steps to Success in 21st Century – Jim Rohn Motivation
Opportunity and danger side by side, that’s how Jim Rohn describes the human experience. Now what you have to do is to avail the opportunity and beware of the danger. Jim Rohn in this lecture gives his insight on 5…

3 Steps for a Brand New Life : Jim Rohn Speech on Personal Development
If you want more than you have, you have to become more than you are. Working on ones self is an unending challenge, to see what you can become. The main theme of Jim Rohn’s seminar was Personal Development and…