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Subconscious Programming for Success Mindset. This is a sleep Programming session with spoken positive affirmations designed develop the patterns of success confidence, Self esteem and goal achievement. This audio can be used for deep sleep programming, although listening at daytime is fine too.
In this specific audio, spoken positive affirmations are used to wire the brain to move in the direction of goal achievement, confidence success and well being, at the same time dissolving old negative and limiting patterns.
Auto suggestion/Positive Affirmations are known to be effective in creating new thought and behavioral patterns. New neural pathways are created and strengthened in your brain when you are listening to this audio program.
*Increase personal coherence for the benefit of ourselves and the planet
*Help shift the planetary consciousness baseline from self-centeredness to wholeness care
*Increase connection and social harmony
*Empower our ability to navigate through global changes with less stress, anxiety and more ease
* Dissolve negative thinking, emotional patterns
*Develop more joy, happiness, motivation, clarity, inner peace and love in all aspects of our lives.
*Program the subconscious mind to notice more of the beauty in life that is all around us.
*Trains your mind to develop a strong mental attitude.
*The law of attraction.
You do not have to listen the full 8 hours for this to work, although of course it will be more beneficial.
You can also have this playing subtly in the background while sleeping. You do not have to hear all the affirmations consciously for them to work.