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Bob Doyle is a Law of Attraction teacher who is well-known for his “Wealth Beyond Reason” program and is a featured expert teacher in “The Secret” movie (2006).
He is a skilled coach who strongly believes in presenting the Law of Attraction in a clear, scientific manner, Bob prioritizes the significance of creative self-expression, passion and purpose. He aims to help people truly connect to what they love, and to facilitate their journey towards using the Law of Attraction to manifest abundance and happiness.
Learn more here:
– About Bob Doyle: http://www.thelawofattraction.com/about-bob-doyle/
– Wealth Beyond Reason: http://www.thelawofattraction.com/wbr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lovethelawofattraction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovetheloa/