Build a Business Empire Subliminal Affirmations – 432Hz Running Water Sounds

Build a Business Empire, create a successful business and turn it into a monopoly.

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I am now only doing requests for Patrons as I have very little time on my hands atm. Thank you for understanding.

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👼Bless You👼

🔮Enhance spiriutal power and beliefs
🔮Enhance ability to manifest
🔮Have powerful intuition for all aspects of life
🔮Attract and cultivate healing energy that heals you and those around you
🔮Master manager of business and finance
🔮Attract amazing deals, funds and business that is successful to you and those around you
🔮Manage your funds and assets masterfully
🔮Communicate at a professional level
🔮Amazing sales skill, intuition, tactics
🔮Learn through experience, experience much, learn fast
🔮Heal your clients/customers with your knowledge and energy
🔮Everything you do fulfills your divine mission
🔮The business and empire you create fulfills your divine mission to help people
🔮Be well rewarded for helping and healing people

Frequently Asked Questions:

Listen to this track several times throughout each day. The best times to listen to subliminals are upon waking and in bed before sleep. This is because your brainwave is within the Theta/Delta range which is where your subconscious is the most responsive to changes.

You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see changes right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Motivation/Inspiration and psychological changes often occur immediately or after a few uses, physiological changes can take longer.

I recommend to listen to this track on a comfortable volume that you can loop. It is normal to not hear what the subliminal affirmations are saying, but you can hear them begin if you listen closely from 00:00 to 00:01. The affirmations begin at the 1 second mark.

👼 Bless You 👼

I accept subliminal requests from my Patrons very graciously and will complete them as soon as I can (within 3 days).

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