Divine Health, Youth and Beauty Medicine Subliminal – EXPERIMENTAL & UNISEX – 432Hz Stream Sounds

Good day ladies and gentlemen! I name this subliminal medicine because it in itself is a medicine with affirmations to affect your health directly, but there are also affirmations to manifest amazing ground breaking advancement in medicine available to the public.

If you’re a bit of a conspiracy theorist like me you might have read that one of the many technologies held back from public is a medicine of youth that can reverse your age to a young adult. This has actually come out to the mainstream in small form from proof of some scientists who ‘accidentally’ invented a drug to reverse the human age by 2-3 years.

Well if that technology is already here, these affirmations are to help push that technology to the public. See below for full list of subliminal effects.

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👼Bless You👼

🔮Affirmations – UNISEX
🔮Belief Booster & Subconscious Blockage Remover
🔮Affirmations linked with *because*
🔮Divine beauty/attractiveness – Face, body & physique
🔮Have the appearance you desire
🔮Have the body type you desire
🔮Amazingly healthy body
🔮Pure and healthy hormone balance
🔮Healthy and strong metabolism
🔮Healthy thyroid glands
🔮Healthy and powerful pineal gland
🔮Smooth skin
🔮Healthy, clear skin
🔮Durable skin
🔮Beautiful tight skin with youthful elasticity
🔮Amazing, clear and happy energy levels
🔮All muscle cells are live and healthy
🔮All body cells are live and healthy
🔮All body remain in peak health
🔮All cells BLOCK senescence (death of cells)
🔮Healthy and strong muscles, joints and bones
🔮Look and feel 18 again
🔮People in your life think you are younger
🔮Healthy medicine is free for all
🔮Public medical technology exponentially advances
🔮Public human medicine stops aging and allows permanent youth
🔮Public human medicine allows every desire
🔮Have access to humanities best medicine
🔮Today’s medical technology heals all
🔮Humanity further evolves

You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see changes right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Motivation/Inspiration and psychological changes often occur immediately or after a few uses, physiological changes can take longer.

I recommend to listen to this track on a comfortable volume that you can loop. For maximum comfort I personally listen on low volume so the voices are quiet.

Please understand I am not responsible for your medical health, I am not replacing your doctor.

Natural health is amazing and the human body is capable of wondrous things but I am not your doctor.

👼 Bless You 👼

All Patron requests are put on my Patron list, which takes priority over my standard Youtube list.

#awakenall #subliminalaffirmations #loa

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