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There are issues present in our world today that this subliminal aims to help cleanse…
– End corruption in leadership
– Stop the wrongful Imprisonment of innocent people & Free them
– Stop the enslavement of innocent people & Free them
– Stop the trafficking and abuse of innocents & Free them
– Let Goodness and Justice lead humanity to a bright future
– Gain Absolute Freedom & Salvation
Are you sick and tired of the corruption that is present in society today? The world is undergoing massive changes right now, and we can do our part to help it change for the better. Help bring Salvation to your people by listening to this subliminal affirmations track. I also recommend to meditate for peace and prosperity each day. Bless you.
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Bless You
Affirmations disclosed in the Video
Between every affirmation is the word ‘because’. This is theoretical and experimental, but seems to be quite powerful for most people. The ‘because’ links every affirmation together to compound upon each other and work in synergy.
(Set the audio to loop to increase the compunding effectiveness)
FREEDOM – Absolute Freedom & Ending Corruption in Leadership – SALVATION Pt 2.
432Hz Audio
Subliminal affirmations are an excellent tool to manifest your desired reality, however their effectiveness pales in comparison to daily meditation and visualisation. This is because the more energy you put out into the universe, the quicker you will receive that which you desire. Something is not created from nothing. However the power of combining daily meditations with daily subliminal sessions is profound, forming an exponential synergy and highly recommended.
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You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see changes right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Motivation/Inspiration and psychological changes often occur immediately or after a few uses, physiological and reality changes can take longer.
I recommend to listen to this track on a comfortable volume that you can loop. For maximum comfort I personally listen on low volume so the voices are quiet.
Please understand I am not responsible for your medical health, I am not replacing your doctor.
Natural health is amazing and the human body is capable of wondrous things but I am not your doctor.
Bless You