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How To Burn Bay Leaves For #Money – A #BayLeaf a day to #Manifest Prosperity
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loa_worlds/
Article: https://lawofattractionworld.blogspot.com/2020/09/how-to-manifest-money-with-bay-leaf.html
I had to update the last video about how to manifest money by burning bay leaves, because in the last one I made a mistake, I wrote a big amount of money on the bay leaves, I had to start with small amounts that I am comfortable with, something very small like $100 and once it manifests in my reality then I could go up and try to manifest more and more, and what I learned is that you should stick to one goal for at least one week, one intention for one week, for fast manifestations, do not mix many desires and intentions at the same time.. because you will send mixed signals to the universe..
Another thing is that bay leaves are like financial insurance, free insurance that you should keep around you, keep bay leaves under your pillow, and in your wallet, and with your credit and debit cards.. and mostly in the place you work on, like your office, or at home if you work at home..
Bay leaf is known for cooking, it gives a nice flavor to your meal, it is also known for being a plant of prosperity and abundance. The main concept here is to believe that writing the amount of money you want on the bay leaf and burning it will release your request to the universe, the rest is not up to you, that’s the part you do in this manifestation process, according to the law of attraction, the system takes care of itself, so don’t worry and detach from the outcome, just be open to receiving and release any resentment and resistance energy..
I did this while listening and chanting along shreem brzee with Dr Pillai’s voice..
last thing to mention is that you must be feeling good, not only during this experience, but whenever you are doing anything related to the law of attraction, be it meditation, or gratitude journal, or focus wheel, or affirmations selftalk.. anything, if you are not feeling good and don’t have strong emotion don’t do it.. wait until you feel better, or work on raising your vibration first, once you vibrate high again take advantange of the momentum you created and do whatever you were planning to do.
Good luck everyone and happy manifestations