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How To Manifest Your Dream Life!
This is an extremely powerful LOVE bomb of a subliminal audio booster. Boost your subliminal session or your meditation, your day or your sleep with this potent booster. It is drenched with loving healing energy and golden formula affirmations that will switch LOVE on in your life, love surrounds you, you ARE divine love. Whether you wish for universal love connection, a twin flame, loving friendships, or self love – bask in the loving presence of this subliminal and feel yourself deeply healed. To manifest our best life, we need to be in the vibration of pure gratitude and love… Let this subliminal audio work its magic!
You won’t be able to hear the affirmations- but they are carefully embedded using the highest quality software. We have a meticulous process when writing and creating these subliminal audios, we do the hard work, so you can get cosy and relax- let our subliminal audios work their magic!
Use this 5 min gratitude booster to supercharge your subliminal session…
✧ Can be listened to day or night
✧ All our subliminal audios are accompanied by a calming piece of nature soundscape, this is important as nature sounds serve a dual purpose, firstly they make you more relaxed and second, once you are relaxed you are then more receptive to subliminal messages. Nature sounds reduce the hormones of stress and replace them with hormones of relaxation and calm, effecting your autonomic nervous system in an extremely positive way.
✧ All our affirmations are hand written by us, with the most meticulous formula and care to allow for potent and positive results.
✧ We believe in the power of the subconscious and have made and used our own professional subliminal audios to change our own lives, and we love to share the gift we have curated.
“If you put a pair of earphones on at night with a program of what you would like to be true in your life, that program is playing straight into the subconscious mind. You will be successful because 95% of the day your program automatically will be seeking your wishes”
“It’s so easy to reprogram your mind but people don’t even try”
– Dr Bruce Lipton
.・゜゜・Affirmations include・゜゜・.
* I am surrounded by love
* I am pure love
* Divine love is all around me and in me
* Love radiates through every cell of my being
* I am deeply loved
* I am so grateful for all the loving friendships in my life
* I am so grateful to have such a loving family
* I love myself deeply
* I feel the infinite love of the universe
* I am healed with pure loving energy
* I am so lovable
* I am so grateful my life is filled with pure love
Were you one of the millions of people whose lives were touched and transformed by the hit movie The Secret with Bob Proctor?
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You see, the success you long for IS possible, click the link to find out how!
☆ Click for the Sacred Sound Healing system: https://bit.ly/3578Jbq
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☆ Click to Make passive income: https://bit.ly/349cVrF
☆*:.。. T I P S .。.:*☆
✧ Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water before and after listening to this subliminal.
✧ Listen for 30 days to allow the subliminal messages to anchor into your mind.
✧ Focus on only what you WANT feel the love for what you desire, let it fill you up, let go of the negative emotions for what you no longer want.
✧ Believe your desired life is already here! By doing this you are aligning your conscious and your subconscious, the universe reflects these feelings and vibrations and brings it into reality.
✧ Listen 2 – 3 times the more you listen, the faster the results.
✧ Listen at a comfortable level with or without earphones.
* We never use harmful or negative affirmations
* We have not used binaural beats in this video
* It can be listened to overnight
Follow us on Instagram www.instagram.com/celestialsubliminals/
Our videos are for entertainment purposes only and are not to replace any medical care.
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#subliminalaudio #lovevibration