Inspirational Videos Motivational Quotes [Work Like Hell!]

Inspirational quotes and motivational videos can only do so much work to change your life. Motivational quotes are meant to inspire you to work like hell and change your life. No one else can change your life for you. Turn motivational quotes and inspirational videos into action. Make the motivation and hard work last!

My inspiration is that you might have more talent than me in life. My motivation is that you might be smarter than me in life. But my mindset says, I will not be outworked. I live by my own quotes and determination. I keep working. Period. Inspiration is such a simple, basic motivational concept.

Motivation is the guy who is willing to hustle and work the hardest in life. That is going to be the guy who gets lucky. Make your own quotes and rules to live by because that is what real beasts do. That is something you are going to have to do and inspire yourself to work harder.

Be motivated enough to put more energy and be inspired enough to put more effort into your stuff than anybody. So, you are getting up at 4 and it is not working in your life, get up at 3:30. So, you read the book once and did not get it, read it twice, read it 3 times.

If a person leaves at 6, you leave at 8. If a person makes 100 calls a day, you make 200 calls a day. If somebody practices 3 hours, you practice 5 hours. If somebody practices 6 hours, you practice 8 hours. If someone reads 2 books, you read 4 books. Just do a little bit more work.

Because there is somebody out there that wants your spot in life. Embody excellence through motivation and inspiration. It is one thing to be hungry, it is another thing when you are starving. Starving for greatness and starving for success. Words found in many quotes, work harder.

Be motivated when you start training, train like it is your life. Not a game, work like it is your life. Be inspired like this is the last opportunity, the only opportunity. See, a guy like me, I knew someone was better than me. There are more talented people than me, probably more talented than you.

But you might outwork me for 30 days or 60 days or 90 days. But you are not going to beat me for over a year. You cannot outwork me over 2 years. You are not going to outwork me for over 3 years. I am going to get you eventually because I am a dripping faucet. I just keep coming at you.

You might think I am knocked out, I just keep coming and keep working. I am too tough to give up in life. Most people half-ass half their life all the time. I knew they were going to get tired, they were going to flinch. They were going to get down, they quit improving themselves, they start sleeping in.

And that is why most of you get beat in the game or make mistakes in the game. Because you think grinding and working is what happens when the sun comes out. You think working is what happens when the light comes on. You think working is what happens when people get on the stage.

The real work is in the dark when nobody sees you when nobody knows what you are doing. Being motivated when you are studying without a coach. When you are putting in those extra reps. When you are watching those motivational videos and getting inspired.

When you get inspired to change your music. It is the motivational process that makes you sweet. Motivation has everything to do with what time you wake up to work. Inspiration has everything to do with how you eat. It has everything to do with how you work out, how you prepare.

Motivation and inspirational videos have everything to do with how you think in life. And if you are going to be the best, the cream of the crop? You got to be it, not talk about it. Or write quotes about it. Own the rewards of your work and let your results do the talking!

“Realize your worth and trust your ability, so you no longer confuse failure with defeat!” – Deon Christie

“Make the Freedom you Crave, Greater than the Need you Feel!” – Deon Christie

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