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#LawOfAttraction for #Dummies – LOA definitions for #beginners – Article: https://lawofattractionworld.blogspot.com/2014/01/law-of-attraction-for-dummies.html | fb page: https://www.facebook.com/LawOfAttractionBlog
This video is a brief introduction to the great law of attraction, it should have been posted long time ago on our channel but due to some technical issues it was postponed. this definition video is for absolute beginners that are just getting to know what is the law of attraction. Or who know how what is it about but are still asking the question: How does the law of attraction work? or how does positive thinking affect my dayli life.
You will come to know that your thoughts become things, which means that your reality is defined but where you direct your thoughts too.. studying the law of attraction will make you change your life to the better but thinking positive and having a positive attitude.
Again this is just a short informative presentation about the law of attraction for beginners, all our followers and subscribers already got this knowlege through our previous posts and video.. If you have a friend who is still confused and does not know what it is all about then feel free to share with them and introduce them to the secret that may change their lives.
First of all, what is The Law Of Attraction??it’s simply a Powerful Universal Law, just like the law of gravity or any other physical law. People who believe in this law believe that everything in the univers is energy, humans, animals, trees, things…
Note: you will not find any strong scientific proof that such law exists, yet many people across the universe believe in it and claim that it does and it works, taking it or rejecting it is your personal choice. I believe it does exist, I tried it and I think it works.
Full Article in this link: http://lawofattractionworld.blogspot.com/2014/01/law-of-attraction-for-dummies.html
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Title: No Frills Cumbia
Artist: Kevin MacLeod
“No Frills Cumbia” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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