Look Like Thor Subliminal Affirmations

Listen to Look Like Thor Subliminal Affirmations Superhuman Physique on loop to look like the God of Thunder.

This session combines various forms of subliminal affirmations. Standard speed, sped up speed and layered affirmations at different intervals.

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🔮Subconscious belief cleanser
🔮Subconscious belief initiator
🔮Physical Body Changes
🔮Look like Thor, Son of Odin (Chris Hemsworth)
🔮Muscle & Strength Gain
🔮Body fat burner
🔮Grow taller in proportion (Thor size)
🔮Chest/Arms/Shoulders +++
🔮Narrow waist
🔮Power up your pineal & pituitary glands
🔮Increased hormone production (steroid-like)
🔮Quicker muscle recovery
🔮Motivation and enjoyment to work out
🔮Motivation and enjoyment to keep fit
🔮Head Hair growth & thickening
🔮Head Hair ‘blonding’
🔮Super metabolism
🔮Fast progression in workouts
🔮Turn eyes lightning blue
🔮Increased energy and aura during rain
🔮Muscle fibres regrow 3 times larger
🔮Succeed More
🔮Compel wealth and success
🔮Feel the earth’s energy
🔮Have more control over earth energy

You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see improvement in your performance right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Listen to this track at least once a day for 1 month for noticeable improvements.

I recommend to listen to this track on low to moderate volume. It is normal to not hear what the subliminal affirmations are saying as your subconscious mind will still understand the frequencies the track outputs.

The subconscious mind has unlimited power. Subliminal affirmations are used to bypass the barrier between the conscious and subconscious. It is a normal response for your brain to use your conscious mind to block thoughts from entering and reprogramming your subconscious, if those thoughts do not align with your current subconscious programming.

This is the reason some people may need to listen to affirmation tracks daily for extended periods to see big results. People can see results within a few days, some take up to 1 month.

It is generally known that it takes 1 month to stop bad habits and develop good ones, this is because that is how long it may take to rewire your subconscious.


Rain Sounds by Relaxing & Sleep Sounds:

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