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Physical & Emotional Healing through Colour Energy Manipulation. In this meditation you will learn tools to enhance your everyday waking life. You can use these in your day to day lives without the need to stop and meditate, however practising your control over these energies during meditation will very much enhance your capabilities out of meditation. When you gain enough experience and practise it is entirely possible, in fact probable, that your energy control can affect other people and animals around you or that you direct your intent towards. For instance, I have used this to heal and calm my chickens while they’re sick or in panic.
1 – Emotional energy reset. Green.
Use the colour energy of Green to reset your emotional state to baseline, useful in high stressful situations or times when you feel like your emotions are controling your actions and reactions. Know that spontaneous emotional reactions are often almost always bad. Emotional reactions create further emotional reactions in others that often give a feedback loop creating devastating repurcussions, expending massive energy from you like a whirlwind. Ever feel like you’ve run a 100 mile marathon after a big argument with someone? Put a stop to those emotional reactions using Green colour energy.
2 – Physical enhancement. Red.
Use the colour energy of Red in moments when you desire or need to enhance your physical strength, power and coordination. Whether it’s lifting weights in the gym or a necessity in a dangerous life situation, utilising the colour energy of Red will enhance your physical capabilities. (Please do not be wreckless, test the waters first to see how far you can take this)
3 – Physical healing and balance. Purple.
Use the colour energy of Purple to focus healing on specific body parts or energy pathways. Purple energy will speed up the rate that your body heals a body part which you direct your intent towards. Indeed directing a healing intent to heal a specific injury or illness is enough in itself to initiate a stronger recovery, but utilising the colour energy of purple will enhance this further.
If you wish to take your life into *your* hands and truly manifest what you want, I highly recommend you combine subliminal affirmations with *Guided Meditation*. Subliminal affirmations are an excellent tool but are not the end all be all. Practising meditation each day *will* grow your spirit power and drastically increase your rate of manifest. You must put energy into your self in order to create energy for yourself.
Try this guided meditation series to help enhance your *spirit power*
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Please understand I am not responsible for your medical health, I am not replacing your doctor.
Natural health is amazing and the human body is capable of wondrous things but I am not your doctor.
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