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YouTube Motivational quotes and life quotes by Inspiring Motivational Quotes channel on YouTube. Find motivational quotes and motivational speeches by well-known experts. Acquire the inspiration, acquire the drive through these motivational videos on YouTube.
What is controlling your thoughts? What is enslaving you? Is it the television set? Feeding your mind images of what life should be? Is it the internet drawing you in and controlling your time? Is it drugs or alcohol numbing your brain and diminishing your desires?
Learn how to accomplish success in life through motivation and motivational material and videos. Gather the inspiration you need with Inspiring Motivational Quotes on YouTube because it is completely free so you can reach your goals.
Or is it a weakness? A lack of discipline that prevents you from accomplishing what you want to accomplish? And we get very caught up in instant gratification. We want the shortcut to the winner’s podium. We want results now. And when we do not get the short-term glory.
This YouTube channel offers inspirational quotes, positive quotes, and even success quotes to help you reach your goals through YouTube. But you will also find encouraging quotes and motivational quotes for life because sometimes life happens. And despair always sets in.
Sometimes we lose sight of those long-term goals. They fade. We lose focus. So, we stop the daily tasks and the daily disciplines, that will allow us to achieve our goals. And a day slips by. And then another day. A day turns into a week and a week into a year.
Just general motivation and inspiration videos on YouTube to get through each day. Despair often motivates quotes, so the thought can inspire positive quotes about life. Never forget how many people you must prove wrong! Use the motivational videos on YouTube to push through.
When you look up in 6 weeks or 6 months or 6 years and you have made no progress. None. You lost sight of the long-term goal and it faded. And you began to rationalize. Maybe I cannot. Maybe I do not really want to. Maybe this goal is not for me. And so, you give up.
Any motivational quote starts with a relatable topic but there are also funny motivational quotes for a quick smile. Because sometimes that smile makes you realize perhaps that obstacle is not all that huge. Motivational quotes about life, and inspirational quotes about life.
You settle for the status quo, you settle for the easy road, you settle for oh well. No. Do not do that. Embed that long-term goal in your mind, burn it into your soul. Think about it. Write about it. Talk about it. Hang it up on your wall. But most important, do something about it.
Placing exclamation on the importance of quotes, but especially life quotes for inspiration! Because life can happen in the cruellest of ways and sometimes motivational quotes on YouTube is all we have.
“Realize your worth and trust your ability, so you no longer confuse failure with defeat!” – Deon Christie
“Make the Freedom you Crave, Greater than the Need you Feel!” – Deon Christie
Watch More Videos by Inspiring Motivational Quotes on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcJs7uiLGl6RBDSW4CZdSXA
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