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Love is a Magnet — By Pam Lontos and Troy Horne.
Love Is like a magnet and we are all one
Created by the same source
Third rock from the sun
Epic bytes of energy flowing through our veins
connecting each and every one of us to the main frame
So be careful what you think about cause that’s what you will get
You’ll attract the good or bad depends on how your magnets set
We make the world we live reality
So take a look around you
Life is reflecting back all that you dream
Your love is a magnet
Think good thoughts and that’s what you’ll attract
Think bad and you’ll pull it all back
Cause we are all children of the most high
and children of a goddess are supposed to fly
Do unto the next like they should do to you
So you can laugh and smile when it comes back on through.
So be careful what you think about cause that’s what you will get
You’ll attract the good or bad depends on how your magnet’s set
We make the world we live reality
So take a look around you
Life is reflecting back all that you dream
Your love is a magnet
Take a look in the mirror
Your surroundings accomplishments
Position are nothing but the mirror
All is a reflection of your mind
The power of good is in you
Whether Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Sikh or just you
All we want to do is be loved
Love is a magnet that pulls us all together
We make the world we live reality
So take a look around you
Life is reflecting back all that you dream
Your love is a magnet
Now more than ever, the world needs this uplifting video and song!
While the world seems to get darker with each passing day, there exists a pure and positive light that permeates everyone and everything — And it starts with YOU!
The message in this new music video by Pam Lontos and singer Troy Horne is one that cannot be ignored. You hold the power to change YOUR world… as well as THE world. Your thoughts and beliefs are an unstoppable magnetic force. What you think about is what you become. Likewise, what you think about the world is what it becomes. Love IS the world’s most powerful magnet that pulls us all together.
This powerful Love is a Magnet video can change minds, attitudes, beliefs, and actions. But only if you spread its message with family and friends. Please share this free dynamic music video now!