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Are you feeling scared and anxious during the current Covid-19 outbreak?
Are you allowing panic and worry to take over your whole life?
Right now the media is relentless. There is so much misinformation out there and it’s causing massive hysteria.
Naturally, we’re all concerned about our physical health right now, but remember, our MENTAL health is equally as important.
We’re living through a pandemic that affects the body, but we’re also experiencing a pandemic that affects the mind. The pandemic of fear.
Remember that you have the POWER to choose how you feel about anything. Know that fear doesn’t actually exist.
Fear is something that you create in your own mind as a natural response to protect yourself from immediate harm.
You can overcome this by guarding your mind from irrational logic or misinformation.
At this time it’s important to follow the FACTS, not the news cycle.
Here’s how you can overcome your anxiety.
#1 Be careful who you’re listening to
Not all news outlets are created equal. As the center for disease control says, spread facts, not fear.
If you keep feeding your mind nonsensical, negative thoughts, you will only bring about more negative events and circumstances.
If you feed your mind FACTS from the scientific community – this will give you a common-sense, well-rounded outlook.
You become more conscientious, and objective in your thinking.
You want to protect yourself and your family without making the situation worse for everyone else around you.
Remember that the global scientific community is on the case. Now is the best time to be alive to combat this virus.
Fact: In 1981 it took the health community more than TWO years to identify the HIV Virus.
Fact: In 2020 it took the health community just 7 DAYS to identify the Covid-19 virus.
Fact: As confirmed by the world health organization, The number of Covid-19 cases in China has decreased due to extreme preventative measures.
Believe in your scientific community. We will get through this together.
#2 Monitor how much time you’re spending on TV and social media
It’s important to be aware, but not dwell.
You should limit the time that you spend absorbing information.
Watching the news constantly will naturally make you feel anxious and distressed.
Seek information on how to protect yourself, your family and loved ones – Then move on.
It’s also important to monitor our children and be aware of what they’re absorbing as well.
Remember, how YOU react to this is how THEY’RE going to react too.
#3 Make time for yourself
Plan activities that will get your mind off the current state of things. You can do things such as:
Read a book
Listen to music
Listen to podcasts
Watch your favorite movies or TV shows
Play games with your family
Feed your soul!
When we recover from this event and look back on everything that happened, we should be proud of how we stood tall in the face of adversity
We should be proud of how we treated our neighbors, our community, and each other
Mahatma Ghandi once said:
“Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow man”.
With love and light from all of us at Greater Minds and the law of attraction community
Be safe out there my friends
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