Requested Alpha Male Subliminal Affirmations

Thank you for this request. The affirmations in this subliminal are to become the Alpha Male. See below for more details.

This version has different affirmations to my 3.0 Alpha Male, so I recommend to create an Alpha Male playlist and add both this and the 3.0 subliminals to it.

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👼Bless You👼

🔮Affirmations for all men – Becoming an Alpha Male
🔮Natural alpha male
🔮Divine attractiveness
🔮Prosperous, attract good fortune and wealth
🔮Achieve and obtain all that you want
🔮Clean strong energy
🔮Man of your word, high integrity
🔮Embody eloquence, mystery, elegance, class, virtue
🔮Humble total confidence in yourself and your every decision
🔮Grounded and calm in every situation
🔮High diligence and discipline
🔮Physically, mentally and emotional strong and powerful
🔮In control of thoughts and emotions
🔮Self inspiring and motivating, great leadership quality
🔮Inspire others
🔮Love yourself completely
🔮Attract love, friendship, companionship, partnership
🔮Maximum self esteem and self confidence
🔮Be and feel secure in all manners (emotionally, financially, physically, mentally and totally)
🔮Great and genius ability in all things, highly capable
🔮Naturally gifted in all you wish
🔮Have, attract and compel respect
🔮Be decisive, make the right choices that lead to positive outcome
🔮Higher intelligence
🔮Work smarter to increase income and cash flow
🔮Total life balance
🔮Bold and adventurous, take risks
🔮Brave and courageous
🔮Pure charismatic charm
🔮Social alpha, be at the top of every social circle
🔮Attract your desired partner
🔮Smooth talker
🔮Understand women and what they want
🔮Natural magnetism for who and what you desire
🔮Love god, magic touch and kiss, best lover, satisfy every partner completely, last as long as you desire
🔮Penis growth (to what you desire)
🔮Increased libido, be in complete control
🔮Fun and carefree
🔮Enjoy your own company alone and together with others
🔮Absolute concentration
🔮Complete life stability
🔮Romantic and passionate
🔮Develop faithful and lasting relationships
🔮Attract your perfect partner
🔮Attract your perfect career
🔮Deep voice that compels respect
🔮Increased creativity
🔮Greek god physique
🔮Enhanced driving skills
🔮Drive and park any vehicle with ease

Frequently Asked Questions:

Listen to this track several times throughout each day. The best times to listen to subliminals are upon waking and in bed before sleep. This is because your brainwave is within the Theta/Delta range which is where your subconscious is the most responsive to changes.

You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see changes right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Motivation/Inspiration and psychological changes often occur immediately or after a few uses, physiological changes can take longer.

The subconscious mind has unlimited power. Subliminal affirmations are used to bypass the barrier between the conscious and subconscious. It is a normal response for your brain to use your conscious mind to block thoughts from entering and reprogramming your subconscious, if those thoughts do not align with your current subconscious programming.

This is the reason some people may need to listen to affirmation tracks daily for extended periods to see big results. People can see results within a few days, some take up to 1 month.

It is generally known that it takes 1 month to stop bad habits and develop good ones, this is because that is how long it may take to rewire your subconscious.

Please understand I am not responsible for your medical health, I am not replacing your doctor.

Natural health is amazing and the human body is capable of wondrous things but I am not your doctor.

👼 Bless You 👼

#awakenall #subliminalaffirmations #loa

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