Divine Health, Youth and Beauty Medicine Subliminal - EXPERIMENTAL & UNISEX - 432Hz Stream Sounds

Divine Health, Youth and Beauty Medicine Subliminal – EXPERIMENTAL & UNISEX – 432Hz Stream Sounds

Good day ladies and gentlemen! I name this subliminal medicine because it in itself is a medicine with affirmations to affect your health directly, but there are also affirmations to manifest amazing ground breaking advancement in medicine available to the…

Young Angel Beauty Combo 2.0 Subliminal Affirmations for Women - 432Hz Running Water Sounds

Young Angel Beauty Combo 2.0 Subliminal Affirmations for Women – 432Hz Running Water Sounds

— #awakenall #subliminalaffirmations #loa I recently learned how to convert audio files from 440Hz into 432Hz. A frequency of healing and DNA repair. Thank you for this request. The affirmations in this subliminal are to become a young, beautiful angel.…