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You need to focus and concentrate to increase productivity as Jim Rohn says that preoccupation is fatal both in the free way and in life in general. In this motivational compilation, multiple speakers give their tips about how to stay focused on your goals.
00:00 Jim Rohn
03:17 Brian Tracy
05:02 Denis Waitley
07:39 Brian Tracy
13:44 Simon Sinek
15:30 Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn:
Jim Rohn mentions a Readers Digest quote, “Wherever you are, be there.” Apart from this, you should keep track of time you spend on achieving you goals, reasonable time is enough time. Next up, you can do priorities on your goals, and often review your progress to stay on track and avoid distractions.
Brian Tracy:
Jim Rohn says that you should not major in minor things. Brian further elaborates this idea that you should always start with your major tasks and keep the small tasks on hold until then. He also mentions the two minute rule which says that if a small task will take less than two minutes to complete then you should do it immediately. Moreover, you need to carve out blocks of time where you can work uninterrupted to get more work done and stay focused.
Denis Waitley:
Focus on one thing at a time. Denis says that the mind always moves towards its current dominant thought. So, work on one thing you are good at and become focused and disciplined on that and that will work miracles for your success.
Be with a team of winners, as Jim Rohn says that you are the average of five people you hang around with. They will keep you focused and disciplined on your goals.
Brian Tracy:
Don’t Multitask: Stay focused on one thing, Brain Tracy shares some great tips on how you can increase your focus on single tasking.
1. Do Things Faster
2. Work Longer and Harder
3. Do Things You Are Better At
4. Bunch Your Tasks and Eliminate Low Value Tasks
5. Work With Others
6. Keep Refocusing throughout the day
Simon Sinek:
You should have a clear destination to know that what you are doing right now will take you closer to your long term goals.
Jim Rohn:
Jim Rohn shares his motto for the 21st century, “to stay in touch and out of reach.” That is why you need solitude, not forever but sometimes to clear your thinking, contemplate the past and design your future.
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