TWIN FLAMES Miracle Manifestation Music | Love of Attraction | Quantum Energy Healing Sound Therapy


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So what is a Twin Flame?
A twin flame is a single soul that was split in two at the beginning of eternity. When the twin souls unite it is for the completion of Oneness and usually when there is a greater mission to get out there to the world.

Throughout the ages, there have been musings of the phenomena known as either ‘twin flames’ or ‘twin souls’. Plato referenced it in the famous “Symposium”, the beautiful Sufi poet Rumi wrote about it, and many creatives, musicians, and artists have used it as inspiration since the dawn of time. The thing to remember is, is that the concept of twin flames is a ridiculously complicated subject. It is multi-layered, multi-dimensional, with endless spiritual detours and challenges along the way.

love and relationships · February 4, 2016
Everything You Need to Know About Twin Flames

Throughout our lives, relationships are one of our most sacred spiritual missions. You might be asking yourself, “Am I ever going to meet my soulmate or Twin Flame?”

As much as you wish to manifest true love, or re-ignite the love you already have it’s a personal and unique journey.
Here is my own personal viewpoint and summary of everything you need to know about Twin Flames…

Twin Flames are becoming more common to encounter as people are setting powerful intentions to live in fully conscious relationships filled with Divine, rare, true, soulful love.

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