WORK ON YOURSELF EVERY DAY | Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Mel Robbins

WORK ON YOURSELF EVERY DAY | Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Mel Robbins

Personal development sounds fantastic, in theory. So does waking up early, reading a book every week or eating healthy. But until you actually take the first step to do those thingsβ€”wake up as soon as the alarm goes off, read the first chapter, or choose the salad over the burgerβ€”the gap between knowing what you should do and actually doing them only gets wider.

Do you want to know the secret to accomplishing all your best-laid plans, and more? Just start. Every time you turn off the TV and start reading a few pages of a personal development book, you take a small action to improve yourself, and that moves you one step closer to accomplishing your goals. The slight edge, the compound effect, whatever you want to call itβ€”these small steps are how self-improvement really happens.

Jim Rohn
Les Brown
Jay Shetty
Mel Robbins
Ramit Sethi
Joe Rogan

Music: borrtex
x Borrtex’s Instagram:

Footage: filmpac

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Jim Rohn
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