You are the ALPHA MALE Subliminal Affirmations – EXPERIMENTAL BECAUSE – 432Hz Relaxing Stream Sounds

Become the True Alpha Male. Be who you were born to be.

Hey guys! I am trying something a little different/experimental with this one. I added ‘because’ at the end of each affirmation. The idea with this is to link them all. My theory for this experiment is that if the affirmations are linking with each other they may provide a stronger foundation. Most things in life work better when working together with another.

I’m also raising the volume of the affirmations. This means you may have to lower the volume more if the voices bother you. Personally this is how I listen to my subliminals anyway because I can listen to the flowing stream very quietly and comfortably behind anything else I do like listen to music, watch shows, read books, work etc.

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👼Bless You👼

🔮Affirmations for all men – Alpha Male Subliminal Affirmations
🔮Powerful and evergrowing mind, heart, body and spirit
🔮Rasie your vibration to high and loving levels
🔮Activate eternal success, strength, prosperity
🔮Always motivated
🔮Powerful Muscles, joints, ligaments and eternal growth
🔮Straight and strong posture, fix bad posture and back issues
🔮Spiritual vibration and power drastically increasing
🔮Physical and mental power forever increasing
🔮Lean, fit body
🔮Spirit Awakened
🔮Compel wealth, love, success and good fortune
🔮Compel respect from all, Your aura demands respect
🔮Every decision is the correct one for you
🔮Feel the weight of your voice
🔮People enjoy your presence
🔮Become a pleasing person to be with
🔮Enhance your intimate moments
🔮Attract your ideal relationships
🔮Pleasure your desired partner/s completely
🔮Ultimate confidence and courage
🔮Be an Entertaining and funny man
🔮Humility and Humbleness
🔮Respect women to the utmost
🔮Become the ultimate gentleman
🔮You are Naturally the Alpha Male
🔮The universe and the spirits are on your side
🔮Physically perfect body, lean, muscular, strong, dominant
🔮Divine attractiveness
🔮Maximum self-love
🔮Clean energy all day
🔮Amazing productivity
🔮Look and feel youthful
🔮Body symmetry

You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see changes right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Motivation/Inspiration and psychological changes often occur immediately or after a few uses, physiological changes can take longer.

I recommend to listen to this track on a comfortable volume that you can loop. For maximum comfort I personally listen on low volume so the voices are quiet.

Please understand I am not responsible for your medical health, I am not replacing your doctor.

Natural health is amazing and the human body is capable of wondrous things but I am not your doctor.

👼 Bless You 👼

All Patron requests are put on my Patron list, which takes priority over my standard Youtube list.

#awakenall #subliminalaffirmations #loa

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