Young Angel Beauty Combo 2.0 Subliminal Affirmations for Women – 432Hz Running Water Sounds

#awakenall #subliminalaffirmations #loa I recently learned how to convert audio files from 440Hz into 432Hz. A frequency of healing and DNA repair.

Thank you for this request. The affirmations in this subliminal are to become a young, beautiful angel. See below for more details.

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👼Bless You👼

🔮Affirmations – For All Women (Cis & MtF transgender)
🔮Subconscious belief enhancer and subliminal Booster included
🔮Resemble your dream angel self
🔮Angelic and holy beauty blessed by god
🔮Angelic facial features and lovely heart shaped face, luscious eyelashes, beautiful high arched eyebrows and cute dimples while you smile
🔮 Slim, attractive, beautiful, seductive jawline
🔮 Cute and seductive chin
🔮 Nose resembles the singer ‘Pink’
🔮Short, petite and feminine button shaped nose with low nasal bridge
🔮 Full, thick, rosy, beautiful lips
🔮 Beautiful, seductive smile
🔮2 C Wavy golden blonde hair, luscious, long, and luxurious
🔮Perfect, healthy, smooth, strong skin free of imperfections like cellulite, circles under eyes, spider and varicose veins, rosacea and stretch marks
🔮Healthy elasticity in skin
🔮Epidermis and dermis function perfectly
🔮Perfect hourglass figure, wide bust/narrow waist/wide hips
🔮 Perky, full, evenly sized breasts
🔮 Perfect balance of angelic beauty and seductiveness
🔮 Walk as an angel, with beauty and grace, confidence and dignity
🔮 Lose weight/fat fast and maintain healthy weight
🔮 Photogenic, look good in any photo
🔮 Angelic beauty with and without make-up
🔮Angelic charisma, grace, beauty and aura
🔮 Angelic voice, soft, loving, seductive, alluring, compels respect and adoration
🔮Commune with loving angels & guidance from loving angels
🔮Healthy young and strong bones/joints/tendons/cartilage – cure/immune to arthritis and any other illness
🔮Reverse/postpone aging – cure age related illness
🔮Become a master pianist (piano)
🔮Easily sight read music sheets and play by ear
🔮Professional level dancer of all dance genres
🔮Play music and dance with angelic grace
🔮Happy and harmonious family life
🔮Attract your soulmate – Have strong intuition for who that is, always be faithful for each other, marry and start a family
🔮Attract abundance of wealth, love, success and money
🔮Successful business owner
🔮Successful author and publisher of books that people love worldwide
🔮Successful artist of drawings and paintings that people love worldwide
🔮Enhanced creativity and inuition
🔮Enhance the power of this subliminal and speed of your manifestations when you look into the mirror (during your daily routines)
🔮See your desired changes taking effect each day
🔮Embody the perfect angel, graceful, classy, sexy, seductive

Frequently Asked Questions:

You can listen to this track while sleeping, studying, gaming or chilling. Affirmations work through repetition. You may see changes right away, but it also may take some time to sink into your subconscious. Motivation/Inspiration and psychological changes often occur immediately or after a few uses, physiological changes can take longer.

I recommend to listen to this track on a comfortable volume that you can loop. It is normal to not hear what the subliminal affirmations are saying as your subconscious mind will understand the frequencies the track outputs.

The subconscious mind has unlimited power. Subliminal affirmations are used to bypass the barrier between the conscious and subconscious. It is a normal response for your brain to use your conscious mind to block thoughts from entering and reprogramming your subconscious, if those thoughts do not align with your current subconscious programming.

It is generally known that it takes 1 month to stop bad habits and develop good ones, this is because that is how long it may take to rewire your subconscious.

Please understand I am not responsible for your medical health, I am not replacing your doctor.

Natural health is amazing and the human body is capable of wondrous things but I am not your doctor.

👼 Bless You 👼

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