LOA – What is pain? & what is it trying to tell us?

LOA – What is pain? & what is it trying to tell us?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loa_worlds/
Full Article: https://lawofattractionworld.blogspot.com/2020/07/what-is-pain-what-is-it-trying-to-tell.html

The #lawofattraction in the context of #pain
What is pain? and what is it trying to tell us?
There are two kinds of pain:
* Physical pain, which is simply your body trying to tell you that something is wrong and needs your immidiate attention
* emotional, vibrational pain, that is when you’re not in alignment with your soul or higher self or source energy, or god…no matter what you believe in.
And to change how you feel you should change your thoughts, what you think about results in the emotions you are feeling
When you’re one with your soul that’s when you feel awesome, when you’re away from it, that’s when you feel pain, the further you get from source energy, the more pain you feel, it can go from little negative emotions like bordom, to serious issues like depression and anxiety or the feeling of unworthyness.
and what that actually is it’s the difference of the frequencies that you’re offering, because the sould part of you is always offering a vibration of love, so if you are loving then you’re one signal, if you are not then you’re split signal, and that split if what’s causing pain, but it is also what’s causing expension of the soul.
So if you are going with your soul in its expension then you feel good and have positive emotion, if not then that’s where the pain comes from.
To change what you feel you should change your thoughts, what you are thinking about results in the kind of emotions that you experience, and that is the basic concept of the law of attraction.
So you can thought by thought bring yourself into the pure positive love energy that is truly who you are.
For physical pain, nothing just appens, there are always thoughts and vibrations behind it like the law of attraction teachs us, actions are further extension of your thoughs, so you can use the same concept to reverse the process.

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